Source: https://tanyachef.com/recipe/pumpkin-creme-brulee/Cut pumpkin into large pieces about 2 cm thick, put on a baking sheet.
Bake in the preheated oven at 190C until tender. It will take about 20-25 minutes depending on pumpkin variety.
Grind baked pumpkin with hand blender.
Reduce the heat in the oven to 160C.
Stir punpkin puree with cream and egg yolks.
Mix using a whisk, than strain through a fine sieve.
Add sugar and amaretto and stir until almost dissolve.
Line a deep baking dish with towel and put ramekins into it. Fill them with pumpkin mix.
Pour boiling water into the baking dish. It should reach slightly higher than the middle of the sides of the ramekins.
Carefully place the baking dish into the oven. Bake until the centers of the custards are just barely set and are no longer sloshy. It takes about 30-35 minutes.
Remove baked custards from the oven and from the baking dish. Let cool to a room temperature, for about 2 hours. Than replace to a fridge and let cool completely for 3-4 hours.
Remove the ramekins from a fridge. If condensation has collected on the custard surface, place paper towel on the surface to soak it up. Sprinkle the top of each ramekin with about a teaspoon of sugar. Caramelize carefully with a blow torch.
Serve immidiately.
Bon Appetit!